
This Website and the Service do not offer or provide any kind of medical advice, health insurance, or other healthcare services, including without limitation, any prescription, evaluation, testing, counseling, or therapy related to exercise, nutrition, posture, sports performance, wellness or related to the avoidance, prevention, diagnosis or treatment of any injury, illness, disease or condition.

The information provided by, inside the Academy, and/or through any other forms is for informational purposes and should not be construed as professional advice.

You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury, which may involve a risk of bodily injury or death. 

If you use the exercise programs by, Gianluca Caimmi, or inside the Academy with yourself and/or with your athletes, you agree that you and your athletes do so at your and their own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself and themselves.

You assume those risks before accessing or using the service. You agree to release and discharger and Gianluca Caimmi from any action, known or unknown, arising out of your use of the information and/or the service.

You expressly agree that and Gianluca Caimmi are not providing any medical advice via the website and/or the service, whether provided by or Gianluca Caimmi or third parties (even if they are claiming to be a doctor) is not intended to be and should not be used in place of:

  1. The advice of a physician or other professionals.
  2. A visit, call, or consultation with your physician or other medical professionals. and Gianluca Caimmi are not responsible for any health problems that may result from training programs, consultation, products, courses, workshops, webinars, or events you learn about through the service.

Please refer to your physician or other healthcare providers for any health-related questions promptly.

Call your physician or your local emergency services immediately if you have an emergency.

The use of the service does not constitute or create a doctor-patient, therapist-patient, or other healthcare professional relationship between you and or Gianluca Caimmi. and Gianluca Caimmi recommend that you and your athletes consult a physician before beginning any exercise program or test.

You and your athletes should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. and Gianluca Caimmi are not licensed medical care providers and represent that they have no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind or determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

La nostra Academy è pensata per gli istruttori di vela. Tutti i contenuti che forniamo all’interno dell’Academy hanno lo scopo di aiutare coach ed istruttori di vela nel loro lavoro. Se non rientri fra queste figure ma sei comunque interessato ai contenuti dell’Academy, contattaci.

Avrai solo bisogno di una connessione Internet e di un dispositivo a tua scelta (PC, laptop, tablet o telefono).

Puoi scaricare le nostre routine di allenamento, stamparle e utilizzarle in base alle tue esigenze.

Tutte le lezioni e i seminari saranno online.

Tutti i programmi che offriamo sono pensati per essere utilizzati con i giovani velisti nelle scuole e nelle squadre di vela.

Se hai bisogno di un programma di allenamento su misura per le esigenze di un singolo atleta, contattaci.

Tutti i programmi che offriamo sono pensati per essere utilizzati con i giovani velisti nelle scuole e nelle squadre di vela.

L’allenamento fisico di un velista d’altura deve avere caratteristiche specifiche. Saremo più che lieti di aiutarti. Contattaci per favore.

Puoi cancellare la tua iscrizione in qualsiasi momento. Avrai comunque accesso ai contenuti fino alla fine di quel mese o trimestre.

Nel caso in cui annulli l’abbonamento (o il pagamento dell’abbonamento fallisca), perderai automaticamente l’accesso a TUTTI i contenuti dell’accademia.

A causa della natura scaricabile dei contenuti all’interno dell’Accademia, non possiamo offrire rimborsi sul tuo acquisto.

Per qualunque problema, compila il form qui sotto: